Newsletter of St. David Emmanuel
Episcopal Church
location: 18842 Meridian Avenue N. ~ Shoreline, WA 98133mailing address: P.O.
Box 77322 ~ Seattle, WA 98177(206)
September 6, 2024
Thank you for your ideas for our newsletter! If there are items you would like to see in the newsletter, please
let me know by the 1 st of the month. Call me on the phone (206)364-6881, send it in the mail (3021 NE 185 th
St, Lake Forest Park, WA 98155), tell me at church, or email (!
– Peggy Hudson, editor
Bishop’s Committee meeting: The Bishop’s Committee did not meet in August or September. This is
our usual summer break. Things will get busier soon! We’ll be sure to keep you posted on the next meeting.
-Peggy Hudson, Clerk
Dates to remember:
Sunday mornings: 9:00 Rite II. Available both in person and on Zoom
Monday mornings: Bible study at 10 AM – noon at the parish hall
Wednesday evenings: Evening discussion and Compline service 7 – 8 PM via Zoom
1 st Sun. each month: Loose plate offering goes to organizations such as Hopelink and Compass Housing
2 nd Sun. each month: Bishop’s Committee meeting following church service, about 10:30 AM
Our vicar, Joseph Wolyniak, is available via email at or 203/850-2056.
He will be in church on Tuesdays 9am until 1pm. Feel free to drop in, or book an appointment to ensure
availability. You may call, text, and/or email Fr Joseph any time.
Special Events:
Sunday, September 8, 9 AM: The Rev. Canon Carla Robinson from the Office of the Bishop will join us for
our Sunday service and we hope she can stay for coffee hour and tell us about her work in the Diocese. She
joined us for our pilgrimage this summer when we were learning more about the life and work of our former
member and civic leader Ed Pratt, and she agreed to come back this fall to join us for a Sunday service.
Since 2022, she has been serving as the Canon for Multicultural Ministries and Community Transformation
in the Diocese of Olympia. Come and welcome Canon Robinson and hear what she has to say!
Sept. 2: Edith Byington
Sept. 13: Joseph Wolyniak
Sept. 17: Dana Thompson
Sept. 18: Barbara Baker
Sept. 23: Tessa Machle
Happy Birthday!!
From the Vicar:
I want to be sure everyone knows about upcoming events surrounding the Ordination of our new Bishop.
Here are some opportunities to participate. Here is some information from the Diocese for us:
Soon the Diocese of Olympia will welcome the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, Michael Bruce
Curry, who is visiting in relation to the Ordination and Consecration of our Bishop-Elect Philip N. LaBelle.
As we gear up to welcome The Most Reverend Bishop Curry and other visitors from near and far, we would
like to encourage your attendance and suggest carpools for those interested in attending these special and
holy events.
- The Most Reverend Bishop Curry will preside over the Ordination and Consecration of The Rev. Dr.
Philip N. LaBelle at The Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, September - This momentous event begins at 11:00 a.m. and truly will be a once in a lifetime experience for many of
us. RSVP was requested by August 30 but is not required. All are welcome!
- Our new Bishop for the Diocese of Olympia, Phil LaBelle, will be Seated at St. Mark’s Cathedral on
Sunday, September 15 during Evensong, beginning at 4:30.
For those who are interested in attending either of the events, carpools are highly encouraged. Let’s talk
among ourselves to figure out who wants to attend which event(s) and figure out our carpools.
Additional information about the events may be found on the Diocese of Olympia website here.
I will be in Colorado on Sunday, Sept. 8, but will be back soon.
See you next week,
Spotlight on Outreach:
We are kind of “in between” outreach projects this month. We can all be glad that we have contributed to
Shoreline Back to School and look forward to making cookies for Veterans in November. And we can
always look forward to the next baby shower!
Interested in serving as lay reader and/or chalice bearer?
We could use some more people interested in this service to the church and community! Please let Fr.
Joseph know if you are interested.
Please let Miriam know about prayer requests!
If anyone wants to join the prayer chain or wants to ask the prayer chain to pray for something, please let
Miriam know. As Miriam invited us a few weeks ago during Sunday church service, thanksgivings are also
welcome and encouraged! Her email is and her phone is 206 376-4985.
Adjustments due to Coronavirus and other circulating viruses
We will all continue to try to stay as safe as possible in our worship and other interactions. We plan to
continue to meet at the church for Sunday worship, with Zoom access for those who can’t come to join in
person. Currently, masking is optional. possible in our worship and other interactions. We plan to
continue to meet at the church for Sunday worship, with Zoom access for those who can’t come to join in
person. Currently, masking is optional.and other interactions. We plan to
continue to meet at the church for Sunday worship, with Zoom access for those who can’t come to join in
person. Currently, masking is optional.
Zoom access for those who can’t come to join in
person. Currently, masking is optional.